Hiring the right criminal defense attorney is a crucial decision. Who you choose to represent you may be the difference-maker in the outcome of your case. The team at Bushway Law Firm is qualified, knowledgeable, and has the necessary experience to fight your criminal law case.

Recently, Gregory Bushway of Bushway Law Firm was a guest on LawCall with Wendell Horne of Reynolds, Horne & Survant. In this short clip, he discusses the importance of hiring the right criminal defense attorney and the key to having a successful outcome.

At Bushway, we are dedicated to protecting your rights! Call us today at 478-621-4995.

Three Questions to Ask While Choosing Your Criminal Defense Attorney:

Is my attorney personal? While a criminal defense attorney should conduct themselves in a completely professional manner, it is important for you to feel comfortable with the attorney. Being able to communicate honestly and knowing your attorney has a genuine desire to help is fundamental for a successful case.

Is my attorney experienced? During an initial consultation, it is appropriate to ask your attorney about his or her experience with your specific criminal charge. By doing this, you are assuring that your attorney has a successful track record with this particular offense. Gregory Bushway has experience with a variety of criminal law including murder, theft, kidnapping, white collar crimes, gang crimes, and more. There is no teacher like experience.

Is my attorney local? While many people don’t think that locality is an important factor in choosing a criminal defense attorney, it can make the biggest difference. When you hire an attorney that is local, the attorney will most likely have experience with local judges—having knowledge that an out-of-town attorney may not have. Our team at Bushway is passionate about the people of Middle Georgia and strives to make this southern city an even better place to live.

How Can Bushway Law Firm Serve You?

As a former prosecutor, Gregory Bushway has an immense amount of experience in the courtroom and leverages his ability to succeed in court for their clients’ benefit. Gregory has been recognized by The National Trial Lawyers as a Top 100 Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer in Georgia.

Give us a call at 478-621-4995 to discuss your legal needs!

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