a photo of an elderly woman looking out a windowIf your parents have entered the stage in life where they need extra care, you’ll likely start searching for a nursing home with the best reviews, great staff, and close to home. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse can occur at any facility, so it’s important to watch for alarming signs that may signal abuse. Here are four signs of potential nursing home abuse:

Unexplained Bruises

Bruises can be a sign of physical abuse but also lack of care. If your loved one is falling often, she may not be getting enough help from the nursing home team. Ask your parent questions about her bruises and how she got them.

Emotional, Mental, or Physical Withdrawal

It’s likely that your loved one is feeling vulnerable and scared after nursing home abuse takes place. If she feels this way, she will likely withdraw from social situations either physically, mentally, or emotionally. Be watchful for unusual behavior and inquire about it.

Unclean Living Conditions

Does your parent look unbathed? Are her bed sheets soiled? Does her room need a deep clean? These are questions to ask yourself when considering her living conditions. Your loved one should live in a clean environment, as this contributes to her overall health.

Financial Exploitation

Many people think of nursing home abuse as only physical acts. However, taking advantage of someone’s finances is also abuse! If unexplained ATM withdrawals are made, signatures are added to your parent’s credit card, or if cash is missing from your parent’s room, it’s likely that financial exploitation is occurring.

Your Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys Can Help

Have you noticed any nursing home abuse signs? Do not ignore these signs! If your gut is telling you that something is wrong, we encourage you to act. First, your loved one’s safety is most important. Remove her from the living conditions she is currently in. Then, talk to a nursing home abuse attorney right away. We can guide you through this situation in the legal realm.

Call us with your questions: 478-621-4495.

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